Looking Back and Moving Forward

23 Jan 2020

Before Computer Science:

Before I decided to become a computer science major I had gone to school and graduated with an associate’s degree in Liberal Arts. I had struggled to decide on what career I wanted to pursue because I saw so many aspects missing from them. I wanted to be a costume designer because I love to be creative, but I wanted to be able to incorporate the math and logic that I’ve always enjoyed learning. I had also considered a degree in forensic psychology because it would challenge me mentally, but there was no aspect of creativity in that. Lastly, I thought of becoming a Japanese teacher or translator because it allowed me to work anywhere I wanted, but it wasn’t a perfect fit. It wasn’t until my mother pointed me in the direction of programming that I had considered computer science as a viable option. My sibling had been coding and working in the field for years, and they both helped me realize that a career in this field could fulfill everything I wanted. It allowed me to problem solve, work with math and logic, work wherever I wanted, and be creative. I was nervous going into a field that I knew nothing about, other than the stuff my sibling had explained and shown to me over the years. Now that I am two years into my degree I have decided that it was one of the best decisions I made. I am interested and excited about what will happen for me down the road. I have become so invested in this field, and I know I’ve made a great decision.

Now what:

I am excited to take 314 because I really want to get a deep understanding of all languages and where they work best. I’m also excited to start working in large group projects and learning to work in groups. I am really trying to improve my communication with people and to think quickly. While working as a peer mentor/tutor, I noticed that these are important qualities to be able to work in teams for future jobs. I believe that this class is going to help a lot with this.

What to do after:

I haven’t decided on where I would like to work or what I would like to specialize in yet, mainly because all possibilities are so exciting. I’m hoping that through learning JavaScript, it can show me where I can go with it. I plan on taking as much as I can from learning it.